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Bliss parent & toddler coffee morning

BLISS is a Parent and toddler coffee morning at Kenward Place, in Yalding.

We meet on the Thursday mornings between 9:30 and 11am during term time only.

£3 per parent 16th May 9:30-11am

Situated in the beautiful fifteen acre grounds of Kenward Place. You will be free to use our Valentines Room to meet, let your toddlers play and enjoy our stunning tranquil space.

Kenward Place is a hidden gem in Yalding, perfect for a morning to escape. You are welcome to take a walk around our beautiful grounds and see our alpacas, goats. You can also visit our Woodland Walk or sit outside while the children entertain themselves in our play area.

Our Kenward Wellbeing Café will be open serving delicious tea’s, coffee and cake.

If you are a parent or carer with children between the ages of 0-3 come along and see what we’re up to.

