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Nature Detective Adventure Trail

Explore nature as a family at Kenward Place’s Nature Detective Adventure Trail. From mid to late April into early May, visit our beautiful ancient woodland of Bluebells and wild garlic.

Equipped with a detective kit including a digital camera, binoculars, and jars for mini-beasts, engage in hands-on exploration.

Follow the trail, observe wildlife, and encourage children to actively participate. Learn about biodiversity and conservation while enjoying quality time together. Document your adventure and reflect on your discoveries.

The Wellbeing Coffee Shop in serene Kenward, open Thursday to Sunday from 11am to 3pm.

Treat yourself to our famous cakes, tempting cruffins, assorted teas, and delightful afternoon teas. Our charming café supports the kenwardtrust charity.

We can’t wait to see you there!

10-3 pm £10 per person

Come and join our adventure in the beautiful surroundings of Kenward – please call 01622 814187 or email

