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TODS presets "The Unfriend" by Stephen Moffat

While on holiday, Peter and Debbie befriend Elsa: a flamboyant widow from Denver, USA. She's outrageous, but great fun, and they agree to stay in touch – because no one ever really does, do they? When Elsa invites herself to stay a few months later, Peter and Debbie decide to look her up online. Too late, they learn the truth about Elsa Jean Krakowski's murderous past and the threat she poses to them and their teenage children. But how do you protect all that you love from mortal peril without seeming, well, a bit impolite? In this hilarious play, award-winning Dr Who and Sherlock writer Steven Moffat takes a satirical look at the inadequacies of British middle-class reserve when up against American assertiveness.

