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Android App troubleshooting

Thanks for downloading the What's on in Kent App and we are very sorry if you experienced any problems running it on Android.

For troubleshooting purposes, please make sure that you are running the latest version of Android. You can find this in the settings menu on your phone and look for system update.

If your particular version of Android is completely up to date, then please make sure that it is still being supported by Google. We make every effort to be as inclusive as possible for all versions of phones. However, we can only support on an ongoing basis devices that are still being supported by Google.

If you are running a "Huawei" device and have scanned our QR Code, you may need to search your particular App store for the "What's on in Kent" App, as some Huawei devices will take you straight to the desk top site instead of the App.

Finally, if you are still having difficulty viewing the App, try removing the App and re-installing from the App store, sometimes while things are downloading they can get a little confused and don't always start properly.

The What's on in Kent App is available on over 15,500 Android devices, but there may still be some devices that we are unable to support at this time. With so many manufacturers and software versions, there may occasionally be some combinations that can not run the software at this time and we are very sorry for that.

We trust that for the vast majority, you will continue to use and enjoy the App trouble free!
