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Local Business Listings

Do you have a local business you want to inform people about? Or maybe a product you want to sell? If you do then make sure to add it to our website!

Here’s how: 1. Head over to the home page and click ‘Have a Service or Product to Sell?’ 2. Fill in information relating to your service or product such as business name, a bit about what you offer, what type of service or product you provide and where you are based. Make sure to include your website and contact details too! 3. You will then have to create an account for yourself so you can log in and change any details. 4. Once this is done you can start advertising your business! It can be anything from hairdressing to dog grooming and everything in between!

It’s that simple to get your business added to our website! Join now!

How much does it cost? We are providing a special introductory offer of only £30 per month. We do have additional bolt on services which are listed and how much they are during the payment method.

For further information please visit the website or contact a member of the team at with what you require, and we will come back to you.
