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National Chocolate Cake Day 27th Jan 2022

Today is National Chocolate Cake Day. For all you chocolate lovers, this day is for you!

History of National Chocolate Day:

Chocolate cake has been around for 150 years! The first time it came onto the scene was in 1764 and was discovered by grinding cocoa beans between heavy stones to create cocoa powder. 60 years would pass before Conrad Van Houten discovered a method by which he could mechanically extract fat from the cacao liquor which produced cacao butter. Long story short, this man is the reason that chocolate is affordable, and we all have him to thank for it! In today’s world the technique in making chocolate cake is forever changing. The recipe is adapting, and we are constantly adding new flavours to go with the chocolate.

How to celebrate:

The first thing to do is go and eat some chocolate cake! You can either visit a café or make your own! We have plenty of cafes on our app so go and check them out! Alternatively, you could incorporate as many types of chocolate cake as you can throughout your day! Take chocolate cake batter and use it to make chocolate pancakes in the morning, topped with your preferred toppings. Use the rest of the batter to produce chocolate cupcakes and then if you’re feeling adventurous make a whole big chocolate cake and ice it!
