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The Duck Shack

The Duck Shack is a mobile street food truck, specialising in serving mouth-watering slow-roasted duck prepared street-style at various festivals, weddings, and events.

Our journey with The Duck Shack began with a singular goal: To create the best duck dishes on planet earth!

In 2023, our aspirations became a reality as we introduced our delectable duck creations to the world. We take great pleasure in engaging with our customers, discussing the intricate flavour profiles and why they harmonise so perfectly.

Located on a farm in Kent, nestled in the heart of the garden of England, we hold a deep-seated commitment to animal welfare and sustainability. Utilizing fresh, locally sourced ingredients allows us to minimize our carbon footprint while delivering unparalleled taste.

You'll frequently spot us at various festivals across the nation, delighting patrons with our incredibly flavoursome duck dishes.
