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RAF History Museum

Manston started its Aviation days as a Royal Naval Station in 1916, with a base at Westgate Bay for seaplanes. The early airfield was on the area now occupied by the passenger terminal.

By 1917 Manston airfield had grown to include four underground hangars, its own railway line to Birchington, a power station to generate electricity, barracks for 3,000 men and even an indoor swimming pool.

After WW1, training of airmen in airframe maintenance and engine repairs was taught in the School of Technical Training.

1940 and WW2 brought the Battle of Britain. Barnes Wallis arrived in 1943 to test his bouncing bomb at nearby Reculver, before the Dam busters carried out their famous raid. Roland Beaumont arrived with the Typhoon which came to be the most successful ground attack aircraft in WW2.
